Membership Terms

Hardrock Climbing Membership Terms and Conditions

By purchasing this membership, you acknowledge that you will adhere to Hardrock’s centre rules, terms and conditions (including COVID-19 measures that may be in place from time-to-time). Failure to adhere to such conditions may result in your access to the Hardrock Climbing venues being revoked or temporarily suspended. 

All memberships are non-transferable from the person identified as the membership user at the time of sale. 

Membership Entitlements:

By purchasing this membership, the participant is entitled to:

  1. Unlimited climbing at all Hardrock Climbing venues during business opening hours for the duration of the membership
  2. Up to 1 week of climbing free of charge at all Hardrock Climbing venues prior to commencement of your first membership payment (Direct debit memberships only)
  3. 15% discount on all fully priced items stocked in Hardrock’s gear shop
  4. Exclusive member discounts on gear sales, courses and private instructions provided by Hardrock Climbing


Direct Debit Membership Terms:

As a condition of this membership, you acknowledge that:

  1. Payments will be debited to an account or card of your choosing on a weekly basis.
  2. Payments will be processed by an external company (Paysmart Pty Ltd). Accordingly, all payments will be subject to Paysmart’s terms and conditions.

I acknowledge and understand that the following conditions apply to all Hardrock Climbing Direct Debit Memberships:

  1. All direct debit memberships are rolling and ongoing from the day you register with a minimum payment term as specified in the product description
  2. Direct debit memberships can go in and out of suspension as much as the customer likes but the minimum time is 2 weeks per occasion, and the maximum allowance is 4 months over the year. Under suspension, your rate will be reduced to $5 per week. Suspension will commence the billing day proceeding your suspension start date. 
  3. If you require a longer period of suspension due to an injury that prevents you from participating; a longer suspension period may be granted on receipt of a medical certificate and at the discretion of the venue management team. 
  4. Memberships will automatically be suspended with no suspension fees in the event of temporary business closure due to government Covid-19 restrictions. (Exclusive of all other suspension terms) 
  5. All Memberships automatically suspended due to Covid-19 business closures will be automatically restarted from the date of venues reopening. 
  6. A minimum of 4 weeks’ notice of membership termination must be sent in writing to
  7. A $150 in-term cancellation fee applies to all direct debit memberships and if owing the membership will not be cancelled until the cancellation fee has been paid in full. Hardrock Climbing reserves the right to to recover any outstanding amounts owing through a third-party collection agency.
  8. It is your responsibility to advise Hardrock Climbing if your payment details need to be updated due to Expired, Lost or Cancelled Credit Cards. To update your payment details (new card, bank account or expiry date) contact
  9. In the event your Direct Debit membership payment is rejected by your financial institution you will be charged a Rejection Fee. The Rejection Fee is $15 per week.
  10. If your account falls into arrears your membership entitlements may be suspended until the account has settled. 
  11. If you stop your direct debit payments externally through your financial institution without cancelling your membership as per this agreement, you will continue to be liable for your membership fees until you request cancellation. 


Upfront Payment Membership Terms:

  1. Memberships may only be suspended twice every six (6) months for a maximum period of two (2) weeks altogether. Suspension periods are not accumulative.
  2. Memberships will automatically be suspended in the event of temporary business closure due to government Covid-19 restrictions. (Exclusive of all other suspension terms) 
  3. All Memberships automatically suspended due to Covid-19 business closures will be automatically restarted from the date of venues reopening.

The above membership terms are effective on all memberships purchased after 02/08/21. Prior memberships are legacy.